Aquí te dejo una lista de saludos formales e informales  . Además de algunas frases que nos serán útiles cuando iniciemos una conversación

Buenos días Good morning
Buenas tardes Good afternoon
Buenas noches Good evening (2)
Buenas noches (al despedirse) Good night (2) 
¡Adios! ¡Chau! Good-bye,   Bye,
¡Hasta luego! ¡Nos vemos! So   long! See you later!
¡Hasta pronto! See you soon!
¡Hasta mañana! See you  tomorrow!
¡Qué pases un lindo día! Have a nice day!
Hola! Hi (Hello)!
¿Cómo estás? How are you? (3)
¿Cómo te va? How are you doing?
Estoy bien, gracias I   am well (fine), thank you
Perfectamente, gracias Quite well, thank you
¿De dónde eres? Where are you from?
¿Qué haces? ¿A qué te dedicas? What do you do?
¿Hablas castellano? Do you speak Spanish?
¿Cuál es tu nombre? ¿Cómo te llamas? What’s your name?
¿Cómo se deletrea tu nombre? How   do you spell your name?
Puedo presentarme? May   I introduce myself?
¿Cómo está tu familia? How’s   your family?
¿Tu familia está bien? Is   your family well?
Muy agradecido por todo. Thanks   for everything.
Gracias; De nada Thank   you; You are welcome
Discúlpame, estoy apurado. Excuse   me (8) , I’m in a hurry.
Disculpa, por favor Excuse   me (8) , please
Lo siento I’m   sorry (8)
¿En serio? Really?   Indeed?
¡Por supuesto! Of course!
Seguro Sure.
¡Salud! (al estornudar) Bless   you! (when sneezing) (9)
¡Qué lástima! That’s   too bad. What a pity!
¿Qué pasó? What   happened?
¿Qué significa eso? What   does that mean?
Tienes razón You   are right.
Estás equivocado You   are wrong.
–  Mr se usa para hombres   (casados o solteros) y Mrs para mujeres casadas. Miss se   usa con el apellido o con el nombre y el apellido: Miss Baden o Miss   Lucy Baden pero nunca se usa con el nombre propio únicamente: Llegó   la señorita Baden . Miss Baden arrived. Por su parte, Ms se   usa sólo para mujeres cuando no se conoce su estado civil.
– Good night se usa como fórmula   de despedida. Si se quiere decir buenas noches, se dice good   evening: Buenas noches, amigos míos. Good evening, my friends (aunque   sean las 23:00 hs.).
– How do you do (Encantado,   Mucho gusto) se utiliza para presentaciones formales y al   responder se repite la fórmula, mientras que How are you? (¿Cómo   estás?) se emplea para situaciones informales y se responde   con FineVery wellGreatNot   so well, etc. (Bien, Muy bien, Fantástico, No tan bien,   etc.)
En inglés británico se utiliza Excuse   me para interrumpir a alguien y se emplea Sorry para   pedir disculpas por algo. En inglés americano se prefiere utilizar Excuse   me en lugar de Sorry.
(9)  Cuando estornudas puedes   disculparte con Excuse me y quienes te acompañan pueden   decirte Bless you! (¡Salud!)


1.-Write a conversation

Acerca de inglesparatransportes

Docente especialista del curso.

Un comentario »

  1. stefaniadpsm dice:

    (Conversation on the first day of school.)

    Stefania: Hey, I am Stefania. What’s your name?
    Oscar: Hi, My name is Oscar.
    Stefania: Nice to meet you.
    Oscar: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?
    Stefania: I am from Lima, and you?
    Oscar: Really? … Me too. Where do you live?
    Stefania: I live in Magdalena.
    Oscar: I live in San Juan de Lurigancho. How old are you?
    Stefania: I am 19 years old, and you?
    Oscar: I am 18 years old.
    Stefania: Oh cool , What class do we have?
    Oscar: Uhmmmm , math….
    Stefania: Who is the teacher?
    Oscar: Is Mr. Bustillos.
    Stefania: Thanks, Nice.

  2. jackieguzman dice:

    A: Hi! What’s your name?
    B: I’m Jackie, and you?
    A: Jimena, Where do you live?
    B: Lima – Cercado, What do you do?
    A: I’m study
    B: Really? me too, Where do you study?
    A: I’m study at Villareal University
    B: oh great ! me too.
    A: ok, see you later
    B: ok bye

  3. Oscar Rivera Cusi dice:

    A: Hi my name is Oscar, What’s your name?
    B: Hi Oscar, I’m Sofia. Nice to meet you.
    A: Nice to meet you too. Where do you live?
    B: I live in in SJL, and you?
    A: ohh really? me too. You are my neighbor.
    B: How old are you?
    A: I’m 19 yeras old, And you?
    B: I’m 17 years old.
    A: That’s cool. Sofia good bye! I have a test in 5 minutes.
    B: Ok Oscar, Have a nice day!

  4. Carlos: Hi,good morning Erik.
    Erik: Hello, good morning Carlos.

    Carlos:How are you?.
    Erik: I am well (fine), thank you.

    Erik: How´s your family?.
    Carlos: Quite well, thank you.

    Carlos: What do you do?.
    Erik: I study at Villarreal university.

    Carlos: What a coincidence, me too.
    Erik: Really indeed?.

    Carlos: Of course!
    Erik: Excuse me, i’m in a hurry.

    Carlos: that’s too bad, what a pity!.
    Erik: So long! See you later!.

    Carlos: See you soon! Bye.

  5. vickyparedes dice:

    La conversación se realiza en el patio de la universidad:

    Mateo: Hi! What is your name?
    Maria: Hi, my name is Maria, nice to meet you
    and, What is your name?
    Mario: My name is Mario, nice to meet you too
    What do you do?
    Maria: I study engineering
    Mario: Really?…It is magnific
    Maria: Why?
    Mario: because i like engineering
    Maria: Really
    Mario: Of course!
    Maria: Well, see you later Mario
    Mario: See you soon!

  6. Jordan Delgado dice:

    A. Hello, good afternoon!
    B. Hi! what’s your name?
    A. Maria, and your name is…??
    B. Jordan. It’s nice to meet you. Maria!
    A It’s nice to meet you, too, so what do you do?
    B I’m a student, what about you?
    A. Actually, i’m working here since today!
    B. oh great, i think you are, my new teacher! you look like younger.
    A, thank you. you are so handsome,i am 25 years old. By the way. how old are you?
    B. I am 19 years old
    A. oh hey! i have to go to the class. bye see you another day
    B. ok see you teacher. bye

  7. Ricardo Gutierrez Luque dice:

    Ivan: Hello
    Ricardo: Hi

    Ivan: What`s your name?
    Ricardo: I am, and you?

    Ivan: I am Ivan, where do you live?
    Ricardo: I live in San Martin de Porres, where are you from?

    Ivan: I am from Huanuco, and you?
    Ricardo: I am from Lima

    Ivan. I Nice to meet you
    Ricardo: Nice to meet you, too

    Ivan: bye
    Ricardo: Good bye

  8. ANIBAL dice:

    A: Hi I’m Geral .What’s your name?
    B:Hi Geral , my name is Anibal , nice to meet you.
    A: nice to meet you, too
    B: Where are you from?
    A: I’m from Lima. and you ?
    B: I’m from Arequipa
    A: Really? My parents live there . can you give me your phone number.
    B: of course It’s 996699547
    A: ok .I will call you
    B: Ok see you soon
    A: see you.

  9. geraldine dice:

    B:Hello, Geral
    A:Yes, who is this?
    B:it’s Anibal
    A:Anibal! Hi! where are you?
    B: I’m in Mexico!
    A: Mexico! where in Mexico?
    B: I’m in Puerto Vallarta at the beach
    A:who’s whit you?
    B:I’m here with my family.
    A: Sounds fun! Have a good time!
    B: Thanks,I will.See you soon.

  10. jose anibal dice:

    A:Hi I’m Geral.what’s your name
    B:Hi Geral, my name is Anibal , nice to meet you
    A:nice to meet you,too
    B:where are you from?
    A:I’m from Lima. and you?
    B:I’m from Arequipa
    A:Really? My parents live there. can you give me your phone
    B: of course it¡s 996699547
    A:Ok I will call you
    B Ok see you soon
    A:see you

  11. Cristhian Morales De La Rosa dice:

    Mr. Gregory: Good morning Luis.
    Luis: No. You´re bad, It´s forty past one p.m.
    Mr. Gregory: You are right Luis.
    Mr. Gregory: You are right.
    Mr. Gregory: How is your family?
    Luis: They are very good.
    Mr. Gregory: Yes, I´m really happy with this news.
    Mr. Gregory:Yes!, your dad is a good person.
    (Mr. Gregory observed his watch.)
    Mr. Gregory: Excuse me, I have an appointment.
    Mr. Gregory: Good bay Luis.
    Luis: Good bay Mr. Gregory.

  12. Geraldine Aguilar Paredes (Gerita ^^) dice:

    A:Hi Diego
    B:Hi Geral . How are you ?
    A:Quite well.Thank you,and you?
    B:I am fine .What are you doing here ?
    A; I am buying some things ,the next week I am going to go to the go camping whit my family
    B:Really ? that´s sound incredible !
    A:Yeah . Would you like to come whit us ?
    B:Of course!
    A: Ok I waiit you friday at 8 am in my house
    B: I´ll be there
    A:See you have a nice day !
    B: See you soom

  13. Alexis Altamirano Zulueta dice:

    Alexis: Hi Gabriel, sorry to bother you but i have a question

    Gabriel: Hi Alexis, May i help you?

    Alexis: Do you speake spanish?

    Gabriel: Of Course !

    Alexis: In spanish is it correct to say table, silla?

    Gabriel: No , you are wrong . It’s Mesa

    Alexis: Really ?

    Gabriela: Yeah!

    Alexis: Ok Gabriel thanks for everything

    Gabriel: Ok , see you soon.

  14. Carlos Huancahuari Aquiño dice:

    Carlos: Hello Sandro How are you?

    Sandro: I’m fine and you?

    Carlos: I am sick , i dont feel well.

    Sandro: May i help you?

    Carlos: Yes , please come with me to the doctor tomorrow

    Sandro: Sure, no problem . See you tomorrow.

    Carlos: Thanks you . So long! See you later.

  15. Sandro Huaman Zuñiga dice:

    Carlos: Hello Sandro How are you?

    Sandro: I’m fine and you?

    Carlos: I am sick , i dont feel well.

    Sandro: May i help you?

    Carlos: Yes , please come with me to the doctor tomorrow

    Sandro: Sure, no problem . See you tomorrow.

    Carlos: Thanks you . So long! See you later.

  16. Carlos Martinez Chipana dice:

    Carlos: Hello, my name is Carlos. What is your name?
    Javier: Hi, I am Javier.Nice to meet you,
    Carlos: Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from?
    Javier: I’m from Tumbes, and you?
    Carlos: I’m from Lima
    Javier: How do you spell your name?
    Carlos: C-A-R-L-O-S
    Javier: What do you do?
    Carlos: I’m an engineering student, and you?
    Javier: I’m a musician.
    Carlos: See you soon!

  17. karen huaman dice:

    A: Hello!
    B: Hello!
    A: what´s your name?
    B: Missy Franklin, and you?
    A: Karen Huaman
    A: How are you?
    B: fine, thank you
    A: Do you speak Spanish?
    B: no.
    A: where are you from?
    B: I am from United States, and you?
    A: I am from Perú
    B: what do you do?
    A: I am studying engineering, and you?
    B: I am a professional swimmer, and won a gold medal at the London Olympics 2012
    A: really? Indeed?
    B: yes
    A: you are right
    B: of course! ; excuse me, I´m in a hurry.
    A: ok , have a nice day!
    B: so long! , see you later!
    A: good Bye
    B: bye.

  18. Yosselyn Rodriguez dice:

    Jorge: Hi Nohemi!.
    Nohemi: Hi!.

    Jorge: How are you?
    Nohemi: well, thanks. And how are you?

    Jorge: Well. And What do you do?
    Nohemi: I go see a movie. And you what do you do?

    Jorge: I’m going out with friends. will you come?
    Nohemi: no thanks.

    Jorge: Well, I have to go. good bye.
    Nohemi: good bye.

  19. Roberto Mendoza dice:

    Anastacia: Hey! Do you know where is the class?
    Pancracio: Hello Anastacia, the class is in the second floor.

    Anastacia: Thanks!, Did you do the homework?
    Pancracio: Oh no! , I forget this!

    Anastacia: Do you want to copy?
    Pancracio: Yes, Please!!

    Anastacia: Ok, fast!
    Pancracio: Ok.

    Anastacia: do you finish?
    Pancracio: yes, lest’s go to the class!

  20. Roberto Mendoza dice:

    Alvaro: Hey my friend, how are you going?
    Eric: hello Alvaro!, I am well.

    Alvaro: And tell me, Is your family well?
    Eric: Yes, My family are fine, thaks.

    Eric: How are you alvaro?
    Alvaro: Quite well, thaks.

    Eric: You are wellcome. Excuse me, I’m in a hurry.
    Alvaro: Ok Eric, see you soon!

    Eric: Bye

  21. jimena huaman dice:

    jimena: Hi! What’s your name?
    jackie: I’m Jackie, and you?
    jimena: Jimena, Where do you live?
    jackie: Lima – Cercado, What do you do?
    jimena: I’m study
    jackie: Really? me too, Where do you study?
    jimena: I’m study at Villareal University
    jackie: oh great ! me too.
    jimena: ok, see you later
    jackie: ok bye

  22. Paolo valverde dice:

    A: Hi!
    B: hello
    A: how are you ?
    B: I’m well, and you ?
    A: I’m good, thanks.
    B: Do you speak French ?
    A: Yes I do
    B: You teach me ?
    A: Excuse me, I’m in a hurry.
    B: Really?
    A: Yes, I’m sorry.
    B: okay, see you later!
    A: So long!

  23. kevin alvarado dice:

    A: Hello, my name is yenifer, What is your name?
    B: yenifer Hello, I’m Kevin. Nice to meet you.
    A: Where do you live?
    B: I live in Jesus Maria, are you?
    A: ohh really? So do I.
    B: How old are you?
    A: I have 19 years, do you?
    B: I have 19 years of age.
    A: That’s great. kevin good bye! I have things to do.
    B: Ok yenifer, Have a good day!

  24. JImmy Cuadros Caballero dice:

    conversación en el terminal del lentopolitano

    Jimmy:Good morning Jennifer Lopez
    jlo :Good morning baby
    Jimmy :How are you doing?
    jlo :I am well , thank you. and you?
    Jimmy : Quite well
    Jimmy :How’s your boy friend?
    jlo : he`s dead
    Jimmy :That’s too bad. What a pity!
    Jimmy :What happened?
    jlo :Excuse me , I’m in a hurry.
    Jimmy :ok, not problem
    jlo :bye baby.I love you
    Jimmy :Have a nice day!

  25. Carlos Javier Barzola Raza dice:

    Fuckencio: Hi, How are you?
    Trollencio: I am well, Thank you
    Fuckencio: What´s your name?
    Trollencio: My name is Trolencio
    Trollencio: and you
    Fuckencio: My name is Fuckencio
    Trollencio: What do you do?
    Fuckencio: I study at U.N.F.V.
    Trollencio: Ok
    Trollencio: Sorry, I have to go
    Fuckencio: Ok, no problem
    Trollencio: Bye
    Fuckencio: Bye, see you soon

  26. Martin Ibarra Illescas dice:

    Erevereberto: Hello, What’s your name?

    Godofreda: Hi, My name is Godofreda Petronila

    Erevereberto: Where are you From?

    Godofreda: I from USA and you ?

    Erevereberto: I from USA too

    Godofreda: Oh! . Nice to meet you!

    Erevereberto: Its nice to meet you too!♥

  27. Sarita Campos Valverde dice:

    Bruce: Hi! What is your name?
    Rose: Hello! My name is Rose , and you?
    Bruce: My name is Bruce.
    Rose : How are you?.
    Bruce: I am well , and you?
    Rose: I am very well .
    Bruce: where are you from?
    Rose: I am from Ica , and you?
    Bruce: I am from Piura
    Rose: What do you do?
    Bruce: I am teacher of history , and you?
    Rose: Really? , I also
    Bruce: Excuse me , I’m in a hurry.
    Rose:That’s too bad, Thank you
    Bruce: ok, Thanks for everything.
    Rose: Bye, thank you

  28. Franco Mejia Vidarte dice:

    franco: hi jose, how are you?
    jose: hello franco, i`m worried

    franco: why? can i help you?
    jose:don`t worry friend

    franco:oh¡¡ come, tell me your problem
    jose: ok. my problem is that i can`t pay my bills

    franco: so? i have money, if you want….
    jose: really? thanks a lot my friend

    franco: no problem
    jose: i will pay you next week

  29. Alexander Chipana Tacca dice:

    Pedro : Good morning Juan.
    Juan : Very good morning
    Pedro: How are you?
    Juan: I am well , thank you
    Pedro: What would you like breakfast?
    Juan: The same as always, thanks Pedro.
    Pedro: Hurry up you have to go to work ..
    Juan: ok, I’m done breakfast ..
    Pedro: Ok I hope that you come early juan
    Juan: yes I will
    Pedro: Well see you later ..
    Juan: Bye…

  30. JORGE CRUZ dice:

    Verónica: Hi, Joaquín.
    Joaquín: Oh, hi, Verónica.
    Verónica: Joaquín, this is my friend Luis. Luis this is Joaquín.
    Joaquín: Nice to meet you Luis.
    Luis: Nice to meet you too.
    Verónica: Luis is a lawyer.
    Joaquín: Really?
    Luis: Yeah. And what do you do?
    Joaquín: I am an engineer.


    A hello, my name is Alicia, what’s your name?
    B: My name is sky medina
    A: how are you?
    B: Well, thank you
    R: Where are you from?
    B: I’m from San Miguel, are you?
    A: I’m from SJL
    A: How old are you?
    B: I have 21 years old
    A: What is your phone number?
    B: 5372486
    A: I’m calling at night time
    B: ok

  32. Andre Poma Nuñez dice:

    A: Hi
    B: hello
    A: how are you?
    B: Very well
    A: What´s your name?
    B: My name is Mario
    A: Where are you from?
    B: San Miguel
    A: I have to go
    B: Ok, see you soon

  33. brigitte dice:

    Juan: Hi! Good morning? my name is Juan and I am your new neighbor
    Rosa: Hi! nice to meet you! my name is Rosa, and I am a teacher.
    Juan: Well, I am an engineer. I have a dog its name is boby. Do you have a pet?
    Rosa: yes, I have a cat and its name is pelusa.
    Juan: its too late! I have to work, Good bye Rosa have a nice day!
    Rosa: thank you, see you soon! Juan

  34. Luis.Tarazona dice:

    A:what is your name?
    B:my name is ana
    A:Nice to meet you Ana, my name is luis
    B:Nice to meet you Luis, how are you?
    A:I’m well, thank you, and you ?
    B:Quite well, thank you
    A:where are you from?
    B:I´m from peru
    A:how old are you?
    B:I’m 19 years old, and you ?
    A:I’m 21 years old, What is your favorite color?
    B: My favorite color is… black
    A: what´s your cellphone number?
    B: my number is 975083392
    A:Excuse me , I’m in a hurry.
    B:okay, Bye luis have a nice day!

  35. L: Hi, what’s your name?
    C: I’m, Carolina
    L: Where are you from?
    C: I’m from Peru, actually, I’m from Chosica
    L:Chosica. What’s your nationality?
    C: I’m Peruvian.
    L: How old are you?
    C: I’m twenty one years old
    L: and what about dancing? Do you like to dance?
    C: Yes,I like to dance
    L: Ok Carolina. It was a pleasure talking to you.
    C: Thank you very much Luis.
    L: Bye.

  36. gianfranco jaen valdera dice:

    hi what is your name?
    hello i am gian and you ?
    i am robert
    where are you from?
    i am from peru how aboy you?
    i am from uk
    how old are you? you look very young
    i am 26 years old
    do you have any jobbies?
    yes i like listen music and sometimes i practice any sports
    ok robert it was a pleasure talking to you
    thank you , you are very kind
    bye and have a nice day.



    JESSICA: Hi, I´m Jessica .what´s your name?
    LUIS: Luis, Nice to meet you. Jessica

    JESSICA: how do you spell your name? Please
    LUIS: L-U-I-S

    JESSICA: OK .where are you from?
    LUIS: Italy, and you?

    JESSICA: Argentina, excuse me, I´m in a hurry
    LUIS: so long! See you later!

    JESSICA: have a nice day! Bye.

  38. ISAAC RIVERA dice:

    1.-Write a conversation
    A: Good morning Mr. Lucky. How are you today?
    B: I am very well. I have to finish my English homework.
    A: me too. Can you lend me your red pencil and your ruler, please?
    B: yes, go ahead. How do you say enfermera in English?
    A: nurse
    B: How do you spell nurse?
    A: n,u,r,s,e
    B: sorry, could you repeat more slowly, please.
    A: ok, not problem. Listen to me…!

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